ColdMac 14

Project Status


Logging Started On: Dec 1st 2024

Ambient Temperature High: 60.6° F
Ambient Temperature Low: 6.2° F

Relative Humidity High: 86.4%
Relative Humidity Low: 41.9%

Dew Point High: 55.5° F
Dew Point Low: -2.2° F

Processor High: 120° F
Processor Low: 32° F

Northbridge High: 120° F
Northbridge Low: 59° F

Logic Board High: 90° F
Logic Board Low: 32° F

Hard Drive High: 91° F
Hard Drive Low: 45° F
From to Now

Ambient Temperature High: ° F
Ambient Temperature Low: ° F

Relative Humidity High: %
Relative Humidity Low: %

Dew Point High: ° F
Dew Point Low: ° F

Processor High: ° F
Processor Low: ° F

Northbridge High: ° F
Northbridge Low: ° F

Logic Board High: ° F
Logic Board Low: ° F

Hard Drive High: ° F
Hard Drive Low: ° F

Database Stats

Records: 520,155
Size: 88.8MB

Mac Specs

Machine: Early 2009 iMac 20"
Processor: Intel Core2Duo 2.66 GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 9400
Hard Drive: 500 GB
Wifi: 802.11 a/b/g/n
OS: macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra)
Server: Apache / PHP / MariaDB

Official “Limits”

Operating Temperature: 50° to 95° F
Storage Temperature: -40° to 185° F
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95%

Previous Winters

21.9° F
11.7° F
Dew Pt
57° F
77° F
46° F
55° F
Hard Drive

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Offline for: 0s

24 Hour Temperature History

Daily Temperature Range:

About This Mac

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ColdMac is an old Apple computer that lives in my shed and tracks its own internal and external temperatures, and also hosts this webpage displaying that data.

The shed this Mac lives in is very cold. It is located just outside Boston, MA. It is not insulated, the door has no seal, and there are two vents in the walls. So while there is a very limited amount of thermal protection, it's generally within 5 degrees or less of the actual outside temperature at night. During a sunny day, the shed can warm up much warmer than the outside temp.

This Mac is a 2009 iMac. It is loaded with internal thermal sensors. In addition to that, I use a THUM USB thermometer to get ambient readings inside the shed. In total there are 7 values I picked as the most interesting. They get logged, displayed and graphed.

The design of the system can be broken down into two halves. A simple script runs every 10 seconds that gets readings from all of the thermal sensors, and loads them into a database. On the other side, this web page pulls that data out of the database and displays it accordingly, showing the current readings, a graph of the last 24 hours, and a graph of the daily high and low for the whole season. There is a lot of javascript that makes the dynamic content happen. But in the end, the database is what makes this possible.

In addition to running all web server related software, this machine plays music on loop 24 hours a day, and runs BOINC science projects at ~30% CPU load.


For questions, comments, suggestions, and general feedback, you can contact us via:
Facebook or Email